Jobseeker Editorial Guidelines

Our roadmap to crafting trusted, localized career guidance worldwide.

Here at Jobseeker, we are all about keeping things simple and honest, focusing on what really helps you get ahead in your career. Since starting in 2021, we’ve helped tens of millions of job seekers find suitable jobs, track their applications, and create more than 20 million CVs and cover letters. Thanks for joining us on your job-seeking journey.

Purpose: Our editorial strategy reflects our commitment to providing our users with content that simplifies the job application process and assists your career growth. The guidelines provided here are a brief representation of our extensive internal guidelines, which ensure that every piece of content on Jobseeker is accurate, reliable, and genuinely helpful, enabling informed career decisions.

Mission statement: Jobseeker equips every job seeker with tools, knowledge, and confidence to pursue and secure their ideal job. We offer expert advice crafted by human writers and practical tools tailored for all industries and career stages, guiding you through finding the right job, crafting winning CVs, writing successful cover letters, and managing your applications.

Our Commitment to Quality


We collaborate with career experts and journalists to develop content that is authoritative and driven by real-world experiences. We aim to stay informed about the latest trends to create well-rounded articles that reflect current job market realities in each country.


Our articles, guides, and templates are grounded in thorough research and are regularly updated to reflect the latest industry standards and practices. We're dedicated to delivering content that is not only factual and human-written but also actionable, assisting you in taking the right steps forward in your career.

Localized Content

We recognize the unique needs and cultural differences of each country we’re available in. That’s why, in all 23 languages available on Jobseeker, we create content from scratch – tailored specifically to each country’s job market and employment practices by local experts. This way, we make sure our advice is not only grammatically correct but also culturally accurate and practical.

Our Values in Content Creation


We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and honesty in every piece of content we publish.

Respect and Inclusivity

Our content is designed to be useful to a diverse audience, respecting different career paths and life experiences without bias.


We continually adapt our content based on user feedback and changing needs to ensure it remains as relevant and helpful as possible.


Our content and content strategy are driven by the insights and experiences of our experts, always putting factual information and real-life examples first.


We pride ourselves on ensuring that all our content is meticulously crafted by humans, reflecting our commitment to authenticity, creativity, and quality.

Content Goals

Our primary goal is to create content that has educational value – sharing with you the best practices for CV and cover letter writing, effective job searching, and career advancement and providing you with tools and information that allow you to take control of your career path with confidence.

Tone and Style

  • Accessible and Engaging: Our content is crafted to be clear, engaging, and easy to understand, regardless of your professional background or career stage.
  • Professional yet Approachable: We offer expert guidance in a conversational manner, serving as your trusted online career coach.

Transparency and Trust 

  • Authors and Contributors: We want you to know whose expert advice you are taking. That’s why we openly state who the person behind each piece of content is. We are proud to work with writers with years of experience in the career field who craft thorough articles, and we believe this information needs to be accessible, not hidden.
  • Sources and References: We believe in being open about where our information comes from. When we use data or quotes, we always tell you where it’s from.
  • Updates and Corrections: We regularly update our content to keep up with new insights and changes in the job market, ensuring you always have the latest information. And if we make a mistake, we’re upfront about it and fix it right away. If you happen to spot any errors on our website, drop us a message and let us know!

Content Quality Cycle

1. Research on Topics

Before writing a single word, our team performs extensive research on each topic. This involves analyzing current trends in each country, studying industry standards, and gathering insights about the local differences. We aim to ensure that every article and guide is founded on accurate and relevant information.

2. Editorial Process

Our skilled writers craft each piece with our editorial guidelines firmly in mind, ensuring consistency in tone, style, and approach across all content and languages. These guidelines are designed to maintain clarity and engagement while delivering expert advice in an accessible format.

3. Quality Checks

After the initial draft, our content undergoes rigorous quality control checks. This includes fact-checking to verify all information; comprehensive source checks to ensure originality; and reviews to assess the overall helpfulness and usability of the content. These steps are vital in upholding the integrity and trustworthiness of our resources.

4. Publishing 

Once content passes all quality checks, it is time to go live. At this point, the content is formatted for optimal reading experience and undergoes a final review to make sure it is up to our visual and technical standards. This way we have content that not only reads well but also looks good and functions seamlessly across all devices.

5. Updates and Revisions

The job market is dynamic, and our content reflects this. We revise and update our published articles and guides when needed to ensure they remain current with the latest job market trends and best practices. This commitment to accuracy and relevance helps you stay informed and competitive.

We value your feedback

We actively seek input from our users to enhance the quality of our content. Explore our resources, apply our advice, and reach out to share your feedback. Your insights are invaluable in helping us serve you better. We are here to assist and support you in your job-seeking journey.