XYZ Resume To Land Your Dream Job
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on August 26, 2024

How to craft an effective XYZ resume to land your dream job

Do you want to get hired by the world’s top companies? According to a former Google SVP, using the XYZ resume formula to focus on achievements and measurable outcomes is the way to go. Discover how to make a strong impression on recruiters and hiring managers with this unique method.

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What is an XYZ resume?  

An XYZ resume format is a formula introduced by Laszlo Bock, former senior vice president of personnel operations at Google, to help those applying for jobs at Google (and other top companies) increase their chances of landing their dream job (1). The acronym stands for the following: “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].”

The purpose of creating a Google XYZ resume is to help you stand out as an accomplished professional who understands how your work connects to overall business outcomes. 

The format gives you an easy way to quantify your achievements, enabling you to go beyond simply describing your professional responsibilities and helping you show the true, measurable impact of your work. 

Benefits of the XYZ resume format  

The XYZ resume format is far from just another trend or gimmick put forth to try to tip the scales in your favor. Similar to the CAR method, it’s a tried and true formula that has many practical benefits in the job search process.

First, it helps you provide clear and concise details about your achievements. When you use the XYZ formula, recruiters and hiring managers won’t be confused about your professional background and what you bring to the table. Instead, you can get straight to the point using highly impactful language.

Additionally, the XYZ resume format helps you highlight your measurable outcomes, which is much more impressive to recruiters than using generic language. This is especially true at highly sought-after companies that receive thousands of resumes. Hiring managers want to know they’re hiring someone who can get the job done, and the XYZ format helps you demonstrate this.

Finally, the XYZ resume formula helps you keep everything relevant to the job role. If you have experience in the role and have read the job description thoroughly, you know what recruiters and hiring managers want to see on your resume. The XYZ formula helps you trim irrelevant details and stick to only what the readers need to know.

How to create an XYZ resume  

The Google XYZ resume method is a fairly easy way to create an impactful job application. You can use a standard reverse chronological format for most of your resume. The bullet points you use to explain your professional history are where you’ll apply the XYZ formula. 

Once you have collected details of your past accomplishments, start your first bullet point describing what you accomplished. For example, you may have:

  • Grown sales revenue
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores
  • Increased employee productivity

In the next part of the sentence, you’ll explain how your accomplishment was measured using quantifiable results. For example, you may have:

  • Grown sales revenue by 15%
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores by 46%
  • Increased employee productivity by 32% 

In the last part of your bullet point, you will talk about the task that led you to that impactful outcome. For example, you may have:

  • Grown sales revenue by 15% by pivoting to account-based marketing
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores by 46% by prioritizing first-call resolution 
  • Increased employee productivity by 32% by launching generative AI training

As much as possible, limit your XYZ statements to one line. Note that you may have to tweak any resume examples you’re using to achieve this goal.

Key components of an XYZ resume  

It’s important to understand how a good XYZ resume is structured. If you’re crafting your application using a resume and cover letter template, you’ll want to ensure the following key components are included in your document.

Contact information 

Your contact information, including your name, location (city, state, and zip code), phone number, and email address, should go at the very top of the document. This helps recruiters and hiring managers easily contact you for an interview or inquire further about your qualifications.

Objective statement

Many expert resume articles agree that this section of your resume should only be one line. Use it to tell the recruiter or the hiring manager what role you’re applying for and what you hope to accomplish in that role.

Summary of qualifications

Use this section to describe your professional background and why you’re a great fit for the job. Include details such as how many years of experience you have, what achievements you have made, and how your past colleagues and managers have described your impact.

Education background

List the important details of your educational experiences, such as the names and locations of any colleges or universities you attended, the degrees you obtained, and the year you graduated from the institution. 

Relevant experience 

Provide the details of your past roles in reverse chronological format (starting with your current or most recent position). List the title of the position, the company name and location, and the dates you worked there. Then, create succinct bullet points covering your major achievements using the Google XYZ resume formula.

Skills and competencies 

Provide a short list of your skills to grab the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. If you prefer, you can split this list into separate sections for soft skills and technical skills. To keep things relevant, try to include skills that are also listed in the job description (if you actually do possess them). 

Achievements and qualifications 

If you choose, you can include a separate section on your resume to list your major achievements and qualifications directly so a hiring manager or recruiter doesn’t have to go fishing for them. Make sure to use the XYZ format in this section and include only accomplishments that are relevant to the role.

Expert Tip:

To identify relevant accomplishments that you can use to execute the XYZ formula, try looking back at past performance review notes or considering your past project outcomes. Then, determine exactly how your job responsibilities and actions contributed to those positive outcomes.

Common XYZ resume mistakes to avoid  

Despite the simplicity of the Google XYZ resume format, there are a few mistakes you may be tempted to make if it’s your first time using the formula. Here are some common pitfalls you should avoid as you craft your XYZ resume.

Using vague language

Be specific about your achievements. For example, don’t just tell the hiring manager you improved customer service. Tell them what specific aspects of the customer service experience you improved and how much of an improvement you made.

Forgetting measurable outcomes

To correctly use the XYZ format, resumes must include quantifiable achievements that connect actions to business outcomes. Ensure your bullet point statements include numbers, as this helps showcase the impact you’ve made in past roles.

Overloading statements with details

Though details are important, it’s also crucial not to include too many. When possible, try to keep your statements to one or two lines at most and your entire resume to one page. If you feel that your achievements need more context, include that information in your cover letter.

Including irrelevant information

Each statement should be tailored to the role and company you’re applying for, so leave out anything that doesn’t directly relate to the industry or job description. The criteria for relevance is that there should be a clear connection between the jobs, skills, and achievements you have written about and what is listed in the job description.

"The XYZ resume format helps you highlight your measurable outcomes, which is much more impressive to recruiters than using generic language."

Let the XYZ resume format lead you to job-hunting success

Much like using the STAR method to answer interview questions, following the XYZ resume format is an excellent way to include measurable outcomes that wow recruiters and hiring managers and highlight you as an accomplished professional. It also helps you present your achievements in a clear and concise way, making it obvious that you’re the best candidate for the job.

If you need help building your XYZ resume, one of the best ways to get started is with a template. Using resume and cover letter examples that incorporate the XYZ format can help enhance your job applications and improve your chances of landing interviews. With a few robust resources and the right resume format, this approach can help you get the job you’ve been dreaming about.


(1) Inc. Magazine: Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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