Showcasing Social Media Skills: Resume Tips
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on August 30, 2024

How to showcase your social media skills on your resume

With billions of people currently using social media, businesses that want to grow need to build a presence on major platforms to connect with a wider audience. As a job seeker, you should showcase how you can help businesses accomplish that goal. Learning how to highlight social media skills like paid advertising and customer care can help you show your value as a candidate and stand out to potential employers.

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Understanding social media skills 

Social media skills are a specific set of capabilities that allow people to successfully engage with and market to an audience across social media platforms. Because of the broad nature of social media skills, they can typically fall under the categories of hard and soft skills. 

For example, social media marketing involves data analytics, which is considered a technical skill. However, it also involves communication, which is a soft skill.

Both technical and soft social media skills are important for landing a job because they show employers that you know how to use updated technology and engage with a target audience. Some key skills that many employers value and look for in candidates include:

  • Creating organic content for social media feeds
  • Writing captions that capture the audience’s attention
  • Setting KPIs and reporting on analytics data
  • Managing social media communities
  • Answering inquiries and providing customer service
  • Executing paid advertising strategies to increase sales

When they feature social media skills, resumes for marketing, public relations, and customer service jobs can stand out as particularly competitive. However, these skills can also be highly relevant in a number of other industries — such as human resources, hospitality, and retail — because they signal an ability to attract customers and connect with an audience.

Identifying your social media skills 

Before you can showcase social media skills on your resume, you must be able to identify what skills you have. Conduct a self-assessment of your own skills based on your past professional experience. For example, if you’re an experienced customer service agent, you may be great at engaging customers via direct messages or responding to queries in the comments. 

If business analysis is more your speed, you may be excellent at evaluating social media analytics and understanding how KPIs are affecting business outcomes. Those in the marketing and public relations industry may deeply understand how to create attractive content that brands the business and attracts engagement and sales.

Once you understand what social media skills you already have, it’s time to gather evidence of those skills so you can share this information in your cover letter and resume. You might include case studies of successful social media campaigns, analytics reports that show how social media activity positively impacted the business, or a portfolio of content that drew lots of likes and engagement.

Expert Tip:

If you have already built a social media following of your own, you can add this information to your resume. Consider adding the profile page URL to showcase your content as well as some information about the results you have achieved on each platform.

How to list social media skills on your resume

If you want to bring attention to your social media skills, resumes are the best place to do it. However, the way you list social media skills on your application will depend on the resume format you use. 

If you’re using a reverse chronological format with a separate skills section, you can easily place them there. You can use terms like social engagement, content creation, social media analytics, online community management, social media branding, or paid social advertising. 

Still, when you are highlighting expertise in social media, resume skills sections aren’t the only place you can put this information. You might also want to incorporate it into your work experience section using bullet points under the positions in which you used those skills.

When considering how to put social media skills on resumes, try altering the bullet points on your resume sample using the X-Y-Z method. Touted by former Google executives as the easiest way to land an interview at the tech giant, this method follows a simple formula: “Accomplished [X], as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]. (1) For example:

  • Grew followers by 25% this year by launching user-generated content campaigns that encouraged fans to create and share Duet videos on their TikTok profiles
  • Improved engagement with 32% more likes and comments using “sneak peek” posts and giveaways during new product launches
  • Increased brand awareness as measured by a 14% rise in branded search volume and a 22% rise in the share of voice by incorporating lifestyle imagery in paid social ads

This method highlights the importance of quantifying achievements when sharing social media skills on resumes. Being able to discuss your accomplishments with concrete numbers truly shows that you are aware of how your skills contribute to business outcomes. This is what will help you stand out from the pack, get interviews, and eventually land the job you want.

"Social media skills are important for landing a job because they show employers that you know how to use updated technology and engage with a target audience."

Tailoring your social media skills for the job

Any resume or cover letter templates you use should always be customized for the job you’re applying for. One simple way to do this is to read the job description. When listing social media skills, resumes should use the same terms listed by the company. This will help you customize your document, and it may also help you get past electronic ATS resume systems that are looking for those keywords.

You can also tailor your social media skills for the job by researching the job title and considering how social media skills can contribute to success in the role. 

For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, how have you used social media to increase conversions? If the role is in human resources, how have you tracked and increased candidate engagement that led to more qualified hires?

Customizing your resume this way ensures that your application materials include only relevant information. It also makes it easier for the recruiter or hiring manager to see why you’re the right person for the job.

Enhancing your LinkedIn profile with social media skills

The use of LinkedIn is increasingly becoming a hot topic in resume articles as more people are recognizing the power of social media in the job search process. Because more recruiters are on LinkedIn looking for their next hire and the platform makes it so easy to electronically apply for jobs, it’s a good idea for you to be ready with a full profile and details about your past experience and skills.

Fortunately, LinkedIn has several ways for you to show off your social media skills. The first is optimizing your profile, which is like your LinkedIn resume. It’s best to highlight your social media skills in your Headline, “About” section, and “Experience” section using the same language you used for the bullet points on your resume. Make sure to enhance these sections with relevant keywords that make your profile easy to find.

Additionally, LinkedIn allows you to add a list of skills to your profile and have your connections endorse your possession of those skills. The platform also allows others to write recommendations for you. 

These endorsements and recommendations can make your profile more attractive. For example, if you list social media manager skills, resume recommendations on LinkedIn can show a recruiter that the content and engagement strategies you employ have gotten tangible results for others and can do the same for their business.

Gain recruiters’ attention with standout social media skills

Showcasing social media skills like content creation, analytics, customer service, and paid advertising on your resume helps you stand out as someone who understands modern technology and can use it to grow the business. 

When highlighting social media skills, resumes (including those on LinkedIn) should include quantified results and use keywords similar to those on the job description.

Because the world of social media moves fast, regularly update your application materials with new skills and achievements to stay competitive. Using resume and cover letter examples and templates as a starting point can make this process a breeze. With some simple tweaking, you can show off your skills in a way that grabs attention and helps you move your career forward.


(1) Inc. Magazine: Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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