Highlighting Research Skills On Your Resume
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on September 23, 2024

Highlighting research skills on your resume

Research skills are important in a variety of job roles because they demonstrate your ability to analyze data and use it to solve problems and contribute valuable insights. Learn how to incorporate these skills on your resume to strengthen your candidacy and ensure that your passion for continual learning stands out.

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The importance of research skills on your resume

According to global consulting giant McKinsey & Company, seeking relevant information, synthesizing messages, and maintaining the ability to learn new things are three crucial skills that employees will need in the future world of work. (1) It’s important to realize that all of these abilities fall under the same umbrella: research skills.

Knowing when, where, and how to find information is crucial for making more informed decisions, solving problems, and driving innovation across the organization. Companies have an easier time staying ahead of the curve when employees are able to learn new information. It also helps them beat out competitors and expand their market share.

Research competencies are worth investing in because they are highly transferable skills that can help you in any profession, including: 

  • Academia
  • Healthcare
  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Education

When you can demonstrate robust research skills, the resumes you submit will have a better chance of making the right impression and helping you land an interview.

Which research skills should you highlight?

Just like many other skill sets, the term “research skills” encompasses a few specific abilities that employers are looking for. Tweaking your resume and cover letter templates to include these sought-after research skills can help you demonstrate your value as a candidate.

Data analysis

Data analysis involves collecting relevant info and looking at it from a variety of angles to find patterns and trends. When you’re able to extract meaningful insights from raw data or information, you can use those insights to make data-driven decisions that improve the workplace.

Research methodologies

Just knowing how to find information isn’t enough, though. You must also understand how to find reliable data and evaluate the information you come up with. This is where knowing research methodologies comes in handy. This skill ensures you make decisions based on sound and credible information instead of erroneous data.

Technical skills

Technical skills enhance your ability to find, evaluate, and analyze information by ensuring you have the know-how to use special software or online platforms that may be required during the process. 

For example, a lawyer may need to know how to search case law databases as part of their preparation for trial. Having this skill makes research much quicker, easier, and more thorough.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is integral to so many kinds of expertise, from management skills to academic writing and beyond. Your ability to think critically helps you evaluate sources in depth and synthesize the information you learn. It also enables you to identify biases and consider multiple perspectives, leading to more accurate and robust conclusions.

Project management

Research helps project managers overcome obstacles to completion, ensuring they have the information they need to solve complex issues. Effective research can also help you find ways to reduce project budgets and timelines, which is beneficial for the client.

How to list research skills on your resume

You can display your research skills in several places on your resume. The first is a dedicated skills section. Try incorporating more descriptive words than simply “research skills,” too, such as “information synthesis.” When conveying clinical research skills, resumes should be even more specific, using terms like “data analysis” or “research protocols.”

Keep in mind as well that some research competencies are technical (such as software skills), while others are considered soft skills (such as critical thinking or problem-solving). If you plan to separate your skills into categories on your resume, research skills should be placed in the right sections.

A special projects section can further showcase your research skills. In this section, you will list the notable projects you have worked on in previous roles. Then, you’ll tell the hiring manager how your research skills positively impacted the outcome of each project.

Finally, a recruiter or hiring manager might also expect to see your research skills demonstrated in your job descriptions. These are usually found in your work history section. 

Similar to the “special projects” section, you can highlight research skills in your job descriptions by using bullet points. That method allows you to show how insights gained from your research led to professional accomplishments and positive business outcomes.

When writing about your research skills, resume or cover letter descriptions should use action verbs like “analyzed,” “established,” or “examined.” Doing so ensures that your language makes a powerful impression on the reader. 

Additionally, consider quantifying your achievements, such as by mentioning how much money your research saved a client on a recent project. This can make your abilities stand out as highly valuable to the target company.

Expert tip:

To decide which skills to list on your resume, take a look at the job description. If you possess any of the specific research skills listed there, make sure you put them in your resume. This can help you pass electronic applicant tracking systems and give you a higher chance of having your resume read.

Examples of research skills on resumes

When it comes to incorporating research skills, resumes should be formatted in a way that is polished and professional. Here is a resume template you can use for each section where you might highlight this expertise.

Skills section example

In this section, you should list your technical and soft skills, including the research capabilities that apply to each.

Technical Skills:

  • Quantitative analysis
  • Academic writing
  • Project management

Soft Skills:

  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability

Be aware that you don’t have to use separate sections for your technical and soft skills if you would prefer to combine them into one list.

Projects section example

In your projects section, you should include the name and dates of the project and your role in it. Then, describe the research skills you used.


Search Engine Optimization for Rocket Pizza, January - June 2021
Paid Advertising Campaign Manager

  • Conducted keyword research to determine high-volume, low-competition search terms to use for advertising campaign
  • Achieved a 5:1 revenue-to-ad ratio by analyzing dwell time and bounce rate to optimize paid campaign performance

Make sure to stick to only relevant projects and examples. Including less relevant details can give the impression that your resume lacks clear direction.

Job description example

Your job description section should highlight the research skills you used in each position and how they positively impacted outcomes. 

Project Manager
Cooper Consulting | Detroit,  MI | October 2022 - Present

  • Reduced budgets on high-profile projects by 20% by analyzing analogous projects and forecasting costs based on aggregate data
  • Evaluated and improved client satisfaction rating by 12% by conducting post-project surveys on team performance

Similar to all of your resume sections, make sure to keep your examples relevant and use action words to make an impact with your descriptions.

Tips and mistakes to avoid

Here are some best practices you should adhere to when considering research skills for resumes you will submit with your job applications:

  • Avoid generic language like “research skills” and instead list the specific skill you possess, such as critical thinking or quantitative analysis
  • Comb the job description for any mention of research skills that should be included on your resume
  • Use numbers and action verbs to paint a clear and vivid picture of your skills and the positive business impact they can have
  • List and demonstrate your research skills throughout your resume, including in the dedicated skills, projects, and job description sections
  • Keep any mention of your research skills to relevant examples only, as including irrelevant information can confuse recruiters and hiring managers

Additionally, remember to use resume examples that help you format your project and job descriptions using the X-Y-Z method: Accomplished (X) as measured by (Y) by doing (Z)” (2) These tips can help you avoid common pitfalls and build a concise and professional resume. 

"Research skills are worth investing in because they hold value in just about every industry. These include academia, healthcare, marketing, technology, manufacturing, education, and more."

Presenting your research skills the right way can help you make the right impression

Research skills are highly sought after among today’s employees. They can help you solve problems, make informed decisions, and come up with new and innovative ideas to stand out in competitive markets. 

However, it’s important that you present these skills in the right way. You can do this by using specific language, quantifying your achievements, including action verbs, and mentioning your research skills in the right place on your resume.

Starting with resume or cover letter examples can help you get the formatting right. It also ensures that your document comes across as professional. 

However, no matter what method you decide to use to create your resume, leveraging your ability to research and analyze information to solve problems in the workplace is important. Doing so can enhance your job application and make an undeniable impression in the hiring process.


(1) McKinsey & Company: Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of work

(2) Inc. Magazine: Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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